ESN expands with 7 new members

The European Startup Network expands with 7 new members and engages with leading European decision makers

On Tuesday 15 June 2021, the European Startup Network (ESN) held its General Assembly in Paris and welcomed 7 European startup associations as new members, bringing the membership base to a total of 31 members. The new members are German Startup Association, Startup Hungary, Silicon Valletta (Malta), Romanian Tech Startups Association, CroAI (Croatia), CzechInvest and Lift99 (Ukraine). Tomas Zhang Mathiesen (Danish Startup Group) and Nedyalko Dervenkov (Bulgarian Startup Association) were elected as new members on the board.
“With today’s expansion, ESN just became the largest startup association in Europe. We are the most representative startup network and uniquely represent the European Startup ecosystems.” Nicolas Brien, President ESN

Concrete actions have been agreed


EU Commissioner Mariya Gabriel joined the General Assembly for an interactive exchange of ideas about how to make Europe the startup continent. The discussion was open with both sides challenging each other in a constructive way. 
The following concrete actions have been agreed:  

ESN will monitor the pro-startup commitments made by national governments as part of the EU recovery plan, and will report the best practices to Commissioner Gabriel.  
ESN will propose a pan-European framework to build more cohesion between ecosystems builders.  
ESN will actively promote the EU initiatives supporting female founders.

“Europe needs you, Europe needs startups. Europe has the talents to grow the startup ecosystem. And you are proof that Europe has the talent that is needed to grow companies with high impact solutions. Now, we need to work together and to continue to invest in Europe’s innovation potential.” Mariya Gabriel,  European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth

“If Europe wants to be a startup powerhouse, the time to take action is today rather  tomorrow. I am proud to see that ESN can contribute with concrete ideas and actions and pleased that leading European decision makers are taking action together with the startup ecosystem.”  Jan Bormans, CEO ESN.

Following its General Assembly, ESN members were invited to the Elysée by President Macron to present the Scale-Up Europe Manifesto.
As co-founders of the #ScaleUpEurope initiative, we will support President Emmanuel Macron in his endeavour to make public procurement available to startups and to create an EU tech visa.


About European Startup Network (ESN)

The European Startup Network unifies national startup associations to create a common voice for European startups, so that more can start, scale, and succeed in Europe. 
It uniquely represents the European startup ecosystem. Its current members are: ● Austrian Startups (Austria) ● (Belgium) ● Bulgarian Business Forums (Bulgaria) ● BESCO – Bulgarian Startup Association (Bulgaria) ● CroAI (Croatia) ● Startup Cyprus (Cyprus) ● CzechInvest (Czech Republic) ● Danish Startup Group (Denmark) ● Startup Estonia (Estonia) ● France Digitale (France) ● German Startup Association (Germany) ● Hellenic Startup Association (Greece) ● Startup Hungary (Hungary) ● Startup Ireland (Ireland) ● ScaleIreland (Ireland) ● InnovUp (Italy) ● (Latvia ● Luxinnovation (Luxembourg) ● Silicon Valletta (Malta) ● Techleap (The Netherlands) ● Startup Poland (Poland) ● Beta-I (Portugal) ● ROTSA (Romania) ● Serbia Startup (Serbia) ● Sapie (Slovakia) ● Startup Slovenia (Slovenia ● Asociación Española de Startups (Spain) ● Spanish Startups (Spain) ● Swiss Startup Association (Switzerland) ● Lift99 (Ukraine) ● Startup Britain (United Kingdom)


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