Workshop “Innovation in EU Transport Policies”


Workshop “Innovation in EU Transport Policies”
with the participation of the
European Commissioner for Transport, Mrs. Adina Vălean

The Romanian Tech Startups Association – ROTSA, alongside the European Startup Network – ESN, and Techcelerator – a SEED accelerator addressing high-tech startups from Romania and Southeast Europe, are honored to invite you to a meeting with Mrs. Adina VăleanEuropean Commissioner for Transport, and organizations from the innovation ecosystem of Southeast Europe. 


The event will take place on Friday, December 8th, 2023, starting at 09:45 AM / respectively 10:45, at the UiPath Romania headquarters, located at Intrarea Anasonului, Reception Building A (Bucharest)


This event aims to promote innovation in transportation, logistics, energy, and its positive impact on society. You will witness debates on current and potential EU policies and presentations on digitalization and innovation best practices.The meeting is set in the context where Romania, as an economic hub, can initiate the promotion of innovation, policies, and culture necessary for this in Southeast Europe.


The objectives of the event include:

  • Creating a group that includes innovative people and organizations to prepare a roadmap for increasing Romania’s and Southeast Europe’s capacity for innovation in transportation and related fields.
  • Establishing a dialogue between European Commissioner Adina Vălean, national authorities, and leaders of high-profile Romanian startups.
  • Promoting the creation of an integrated platform of ideas, technologies, and key players through collaboration between national and European transport authorities, the Romanian and Southeast European innovation ecosystem, and startups.
  • Supporting the continuous renown and affirmation of the European, national, and regional innovation ecosystem and startups by reiterating their impact on the economy and sustainability adoption.

The event’s agenda is as follows:


Startups & corporate leaders



Closed meeting of Commissioner Adina Vălean  

with selected startup leaders


Start of the public event: Welcoming words

Cristian Dascălu –  Chairman of ROTSA, Master of Ceremony

Alexandru Mihailciuc – Vice President Sales Engineering, UiPath


Fireside chat

Commissioner Adina Vălean

Przemek Ben Pączek – CEO & Co-founder Nevomo

Mihai Dragoș Ciobanu – CEO EVconnect

Denisa Morariu Tamaș – Moderator


Coffee break and networking


In parallel press meeting with Commissioner Adina Vălean  




Presentation about EU innovation funding possibilities 


Isabelle Vandoorne – deputy head of unit, Innovation and Research at DG MOVE



Presentation about EU innovation funding possibilities

Robert Schröder – Head of Sector – External Communication EIC 

(European Innovation Council) 



Presentation about EU innovation funding possibilities

Frederik Hanell, Director of Investments EIT Urban Mobility (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) 


Presentation about EU innovation funding possibilities

Octavia Stepan, Head of Sector, Integrated transport and cities at CINEA (European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency)


Panel discussion with regional invitees: State of the innovation ecosystem in SEE 

Jan Bormans – CEO, European Startup Network 

Dimitar Vasilev Ivanov – Chairman of Management Board Bulgarian Business Forums

Cristian Dascalu –  Chairman of ROTSA

Cristina Țoncu – Co-founder & Programs Partner Techcelerator, Moderator



Keynote speech 

Ramona Moldovan – General Deputy Secretary Ministery of Energy 


Closing words

Organisers of the event

Participating organizations include partners such as ESN, ROTSA; officials from various ministries; the innovation community and startup organizations from Romania and Southeast Europe (accelerators, incubators, investors, development and innovation agencies, research institutes, universities, science parks, clusters, digital innovation hubs); companies, startups, and scale-ups in transport & logistics, energy, sustainability, mobility, smart-city, etc.

This is a free event taking place in December 8th, starting at 10.45 AM at the UiPath Romania headquarters, located at Intrarea Anasonului, Reception Building A (Bucharest)