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Mentorat și cursuri online pentru startup-uri românești, într-un incubator susținut de UE
Antreprenorii români se pot înscrie pentru a putea fi selectați la un nou incubator de afaceri european, care oferă mentorat și cursuri online destinate startup-urilor de tehnologie care vor să atragă investitori.
7 Feb 2022
The European Startups Universe Incubator Was Brought In Romania By ROTSA
In Romania, the initiative is brought by ROTSA – Romanian Tech Startups Association, a non-profit organization that aims to promote, support and represent the interests of technology startups in Romania, regardless of vertical.
7 feb 2022
S-au deschis înscrierile la cel mai mare incubator adresat startup-urilor tech din UE – European Startup Universe...
European Startups Universe este un program de incubare ce se desfășoară în paralel în 11 țări UE respectiv: România, Grecia, Spania, Croația, Cipru, Franța, Ungaria, Italia, Luxemburg, Olanda și Slovenia, având o durată de 6 săptămâni, începând cu luna martie 2022.
7 Feb 2022
European Startups Universe: incubator adresat startup-urilor tech din UE, susținut de Comisia Europeană
European Startups Universe este un program de incubare ce se desfășoară în paralel în 11 țări UE respectiv: România, Grecia, Spania, Croația, Cipru, Franța, Ungaria, Italia, Luxemburg, Olanda și Slovenia, având o durată de 6 săptămâni, începând cu luna martie 2022.
7 Feb 2022
Incubatorul European Startups Universe a fost adus în România
Incubatorul European Startups Universe a fost adus în România de ROTSA, startup-urile de tehnologie româneşti aflate la început de drum, încorporate la nivel local sau în diaspora, putându-se înscrie până pe 28 februarie, relatează Agerpres.
7 feb 2022
Join now the largest incubator for tech startups in the EU, a project supported by the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions.
European Startup Universe is an incubation program that is happening all at once in 11 EU countries: Romania, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Slovenia, lasting 6 weeks, starting with March 2022.
7 Feb 2022
ROTSA a adus în România Incubatorul European Startups Universe. Programul se adresează tuturor startup-urilor tech din UE
Incubatorul European Startups Universe a fost adus în România de ROTSA, startup-urile de tehnologie româneşti aflate la început de drum, încorporate la nivel local sau în diaspora, putându-se înscrie până pe 28 februarie, conform unui comunicat remis, luni, AGERPRES.
7 feb 2022
Incubatorul European Startups Universe a fost adus în România de ROTSA
Înscrie-te acum în cel mai mare incubator adresat startup-urilor tech din UE, proiect susţinut de Comisia Europeană şi Comitetul European al Regiunilor.
7 Feb 2022
“The key strength of Romania are the smart people working in tech,” with Cristiana Bogateanu from ROTSA
Cristiana Bogateanu, organizational leader and serial entrepreneur, strikes you right away as being incredibly passionate and dedicated to her mission. Cristiana had no less than eight startups before becoming a mother. These included Zamoteck, an IoT product development company, Academia inventeaza.ro, a STEM-focused educational program, and DeviceHub.net, an open source ecosystem management platform for IoT.
29 Sept 2021
NASA Space Apps Challenge, cel mai mare hackathon internaţional, în patru oraşe din România
NASA Space Apps Challenge a dat startul înscrierilor pentru cea de-a zecea ediţie a hackathonului care se va desfăşura, simultan, online, în perioada 2 - 3 octombrie, în patru oraşe din România şi în sute de locuri din întreaga lume. În România, hackathonul se va desfăşura - acum, pentru a şasea oară - online, în oraşele Bucureşti, Cluj-Napoca, Timişoara şi Iaşi.
19 aug 2021
Fintech startups and ecosystem trends in Romania
Executive Director at ROTSA (Romanian Tech Startups Association), Cristiana Bogățeanu depicts how does the fintech landscape look like in Romania. At the beginning of the summer we sat with Maria Staszkiewicz, President at European Digital Finance Association, to learn more about the European fintech scene and ways that fintechs could support post COVID-19 economic recovery
30 July 2021
Romanian Tech Startup Association has risen from the need of bringing together and building a community around technology startups in Romania
ROTSA's vision is to develop and support the ecosystem of technology startups, aiming to become at the same time a connector for its main actors and a link with other already existing international ecosystems.
July 2021
Study: Seven out of ten Romanian tech startups affected by COVID-19
Approximately 70% of Romanian technology startups have been affected by COVID-19, according to a study initiated by the Romanian Tech Startups Association (ROTSA) in partnership with over 130 players in the national startup ecosystem. The most thriving local tech startup ecosystem is Bucharest, followed by Cluj, Timis, and Bihor.
14 july 2021
Join now the largest incubator for tech startups in the EU, a project supported by the European Commission and the European Committee of the Regions
European Startups Universe is an incubation program that is happening all at once in 11 EU countries: Romania, Greece, Spain, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Slovenia, lasting 6 weeks, starting with March 2022.
13 July 2021
COVID-19 affected 70% of Romanian tech start-ups, study finds
Nearly 70% of tech start-ups in Romania have experienced some level of impact because of COVID-19, according to “Impact of COVID19 on Technology Startups in Romania”, the first study on the issue, initiated by the Romanian Tech Startups Association (ROTSA) in partnership with over 130 players of the local startup ecosystem. Pe parcursul acestui eveniment dorim să promovăm femeile care au reușit în afaceri și să le inspirăm pe alții să se alăture companiilor mari și startup-urilor.
13 July, 2021
Study by ROTSA: 70% of Romanian technology start-ups were affected by COVID-19
Approximately 70% of Romanian technology start-ups have been affected by COVID19, according to “Impact of COVID19 on Technology Start-ups in Romania”, the first study in this regard initiated by the Romanian Tech Startups Association (ROTSA), in partnership with over 130 players in the national start-up ecosystem.
13 July 2021
“The impact of COVID-19 on Romanian Tech Startups” – the newly launched report by ROTSA gathers some interesting findings and draws the Romanian tech startup profile
Romanian Tech Startup Association’s (ROTSA) fresh report on the COVID-19’s impact on Romanian tech startups reveals that the pandemic effects were very nonlinear depending on the industry and on the startup size, however over 70% of the startups confirmed that COVID-19 affected their business to some extent.
13 july 2021
One of the four winning teams of the NASA Space Apps Challenge Romania 2020 hackathon has the chance to attend the launch of a space shuttle in 2021
On October 3-4 weekend, the annual edition of the NASA SpaceApps Challenge hackathon took place in Romania, which took place online, simultaneously in another 200 cities around the world. In Romania, 135 participants aged between 14 and 30 were registered
7 Oct 2020